For the first time in the tournament history, all match officials will be stationed at a referee headquarters in Dallas, Texas, and travel to assigned games across the United States

MIAMI – CONCACAF announced the referee designations for the 2017 CONCACAF Gold Cup, featuring 17 experienced match officials from 10 countries within the region.

These elite match officials were required to pass several assessments including the FIFA World Cup Candidate Fitness test, so that they could potentially be considered for an appointment to CONCACAF’s most important competition. The tournament will be played from July 7-26, 2017 in 14 stadiums in 13 metropolitan areas across the United States.

“CONCACAF has selected top-class referees to officiate at the Confederation’s premier championship. These officials have undergone strenuous preparation and vetting as our commitment is to ensure consistent high-quality performance on the field,” said CONCACAF Director of Refereeing, Brian Hall. “For the 14th edition of Gold Cup, officials will be based in Dallas in an effort to maximize the training and flow of crucial information to enhance game management.”

The CONCACAF Referee Committee approved the list of participants, who were reviewed and selected by the CONCACAF Referee Technical Advisory Team, a cross regional group of refereeing experts. This team includes 60 participants, 17 referees, 25 assistant referees, six assessors and 12 members of the Targeted Advanced Referee Program (TARP). TARP referees are part of the development strategy of the Confederation to provide an opportunity of working with elite officials in order to prepare them for future competitions. Game assignments will be announced prior to each match.

*listed in alphabetical order

Joel Aguilar (SLV); Henry Bejarano (CRC); Drew Fischer (CAN); Roberto Garcia (MEX); Mark Geiger (USA); Fernando Guerrero (MEX); Walter Lopez (GUA); Jair Marrufo (USA); Yadel Martinez (CUB); Melvin Matamoros (HON); Oscar Moncada (HON); Ricardo Montero (CRC); John Pitti (PAN); Cesar Ramos (MEX); Hector Rodriguez (HON); Armando Villarreal (USA); Kimbell Ward (SKN)

Frank Anderson (USA); Joseph Bertrand (TRI); Graeme Browne (SKN); Ronald Bruna (PAN); Jose Luis Camargo (MEX); Keytzel Corrales (NCA); Melvyn Cruz (HON); Carlos Fernandez (CRC); Geonvany Garcia (SLV); Miguel Hernandez (MEX); Hermenerito Leal (GUA); Gerson Lopez (GUA); Juan Carlos Mora (CRC); Charles Morgante (USA); Alberto Morin (MEX); Marcos Quintero (MEX); Christian Ramirez (HON); Ainsley Rochard (TRI); Corey Rockwell (USA); Jesus Tabora (HON); Marvin Torrentera (MEX); William Torres  (SLV); Gabriel Victoria (PAN); Daniel Williamson (PAN); Juan Francisco Zumba (SLV)

Juan Gabriel Calderon (CRC); Ismael Cornejo (SLV); Ismail Elfath (USA); Rodphin Harris (TRI); Gladwyn Johnson (GUY); Jose Kellys (PAN); Bryan Lopez (GUA); Hector Said Martinez (HON); Daneon Parchment (JAM); Michel Rodriguez Rogue (CUB); Ariel Ameth Sanchez (PAN)

Carlos Gonzalez (MEX); Ronald Gutierrez (CRC); Dave Meikle (JAM); Roberto Moreno (PAN); John Nielsen (CAN); Victor Stewart (JAM